
Submitting a Complaint

To submit a complaint regarding your dispute with your financial institution, please register for a FIDReC account here and submit the Dispute Resolution Form (DRF) online. If you are unable to submit a complaint online, you may download and complete the DRF below and submit it to FIDReC by email, by post, or in person.

To find out whether you are eligible to file a complaint with FIDReC, you can complete a short evaluation exercise here.


Which form to use?

If your complaint is against a bank or a non-general insurer please use the form labeled 'for non-general insurers'.

If your complaint is against a general insurer, or the insurer of a third party, please use the form labeled 'for general insurers'.

To find out which category your financial institution falls under, you may refer to our directory of subscribed financial institutions here. Please note that FIDReC is only able to accept cases against subscribed financial institutions.

Should you have any questions regarding creating a case or the DRF, please contact us.


Filing your complaint using our physical DRF form?

Should you wish to submit your dispute using our physical DRF, please read through our Guide to completing Dispute Resolution Form (attached below) carefully. You will need to submit the checklist of documents indicated in the guide and sign on every page of the DRF