Levels of Accreditation
- FIDReC Accredited Mediator (specialised in financial disputes)*
- Successful completion of FIDReC's Training Programme for Mediators of Financial Disputes (FTPM)
In general, the time required to complete the FTPM is about 12 to 18 months.
- Successful completion of FIDReC's Training Programme for Mediators of Financial Disputes (FTPM)
- FIDReC Accredited Mediator (specialised in financial disputes) Advanced*
- Mediated at least 50 financial disputes
- Successfully resolved at least 38 financial disputes through mediation
- At least 3 years experience in the mediation of financial disputes
- Competent in relevant skills such as persuasion, negotiation and diplomacy
- General understanding of financial products and investments
- General understanding of legal issues relating to financial disputes
- FIDReC Accredited Mediator (specialised in financial disputes) Merit*
- Mediated at least 100 financial disputes
- Successfully resolved at least 75 financial disputes through mediation
- At least 6 years experience in the mediation of financial disputes
- Competent in relevant skills such as persuasion, negotiation and diplomacy
- General understanding of financial products and investments
- General understanding of legal issues relating to financial disputes
- FIDReC Accredited Mediator (specialised in financial disputes) Distinction*
- Mediated at least 200 financial disputes
- Successfully resolved at least 150 financial disputes through mediation
- Conducts professional training relating to mediation of financial disputes
- At least 12 years experience in the mediation of financial disputes
- High level of competence in relevant skills such as persuasion, negotiation and diplomacy
- Advanced understanding of financial products and investments
- Advanced understanding of legal issues relating to financial disputes
*A candidate may be awarded the relevant level of Accreditation where FIDReC, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that the candidate's expertise and experience is generally equivalent to the requirements of that level of Accreditation.